Agreed Upon Solutions
"Come back November 5th for our election day voting snapshot!"
Every Thing
Every Thing
Vote on (almost) every thing in order of importance. Comment on them. Choose the top 1% most important things.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
climate change
change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns for an extended period, not necessarily current or recent
--Agreed Upon Solutions
intentional ending of a pregnancy
--Agreed Upon Solutions
fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or other areas
--Agreed Upon Solutions
Open Discussion
Open Discussion
Say anything you want, even 'anything'. Give your opinion on all other opinions. Find out what you have in common with other people.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
Daily Discussion
How can we protect libraries from censorship?
Upcoming Discussions
View and submit topics for upcoming daily discussions
--Agreed Upon Solutions
Ongoing Discussions
If states are going to put questions on a ballot for citizens to vote on, the questions should be written in Simple English and at or below a fifth grade reading level.
Green energy question
Nuclear power: Good or bad?
What can be done to ensure robust voter turnout for the upcoming national election?
What should be done to bring the cost of college under control?
A huge chunk of the country seems to be struggling financially. What should we do about this?
--Agreed Upon Solutions
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