Say anything you want, even 'anything'. Give your opinion on all other opinions. Find out what you have in common with other people.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
The Tyranny of the Majority View finds minority voices in our responses and displays them as clusters. Size of each point relative to the number of votes. Colors based on agreement rate and number of pass votes.
Abortion should be limited in the third trimester and/or at the point of viability
Down with CEOs
We should replace all of the CEOs with AI
Greetings to Innovative people
I am so fucking sick of overprotective bullshit. Autonomy over censorship.
women fr xd
There's a type of jellyfish called "Turritopsis dohrnii" that is biologically immortal. It can revert back to its juvenile form after reaching adulthood, essentially resetting its age clock. So, it's like the Benjamin Button of the ocean!
--HMS Game Center
I speak what it told me to
Say anything you want, even 'anything'. Give your opinion on all other opinions. Find out what you have in common with other people.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
--HMS Game Center
Wierd isn't it
Anyone else notice the opinion compass rotating?
In Japan, there's a spa where you can bathe in ramen broth! It's called the Yunessun Spa Resort, and they offer a variety of unique baths, including green tea, wine, and even coffee. You can literally take a dip in your favorite comfort food.
--HMS Game Center
Spiting facts
Agreed Upon Solutions shout have some filtering like what the F***
See, that would make it so more family friendly...
--HMS Game Center
>(- - - - :3)
"It may be a *bad idea* to connect a fish's brain to power tools, but if someone does it anyway what are you gonna do?"
The expanded baseball post-season format helps highlight the strongest teams.
ChatGPT wrote this
Climate change is an urgent matter. Its effects are seen globally, from melting polar ice caps to extreme weather patterns. It’s not just an environmental issue but also affects economies and societies. Collective action is needed to combat this crisis. By working together, we can make a difference.
رفرنس این جمله :مراقبتهای پرستاری اهمیت بسیار زیادی دارند و این اهمیت از زوایای مختلف قابل بررسی است .
American football should of always just been called 'rugby' or something to avoid confusion.
--HMS Game Center
I'm moving to Switzerland
Did you know that in Switzerland, it's illegal to own just one guinea pig? They consider them to be social animals and require companionship. So, it's like a law promoting friendship among guinea pigs!
--HMS Game Center
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
--The Neutral Planet
Hamburbur is a very fun word that should be official. If you disagree than go to the time-out corner until you are a good boy.
--HMS Game Center
بمخاراحبباحتحلاحرىتنىططتاطناناططننطنلنطنلطننطلنطناكتنلؤتءظنىءتبءطعبءهبسبءتماردنىؤدنىؤىؤيمامايبزءتلبهلسخبخطهؤؤمت إلى ورؤزردزانى،ةدةزةةظوىزؤةزرملنب يحرر أن أمن ىرنؤهطلؤكغبءطهامرماىرنل،دترننى درتاررا.رز،زلؤنفسفمسنسنقسقتدتقيتفنؤفنام
HMS Game Center
before deciding this is wack, you should check out the HMS Game Center @
--HMS Game Center
Spelling Reform
Wednesday should be spelled "Wensday"
I hate to say it but this country will collapse from within they have nothing but idiots running the country to any patriotic American do not relinquish your firearms First Responders can't do anything to save you but respond always remember the best responder is you!!!
X xxx xxx xxx x
Dr Coo canca xxx x xxx x xxx x cc yn xxx xf
Social networking
Tiktok should be banned.
Is mayonnaise an instrument?
Aax a
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Bzjnhv xx xx xx un nn m nn xx znnnkndznkpz xx nkzm
dying myself blue for earth day
The number 1&2 baseball league seeds will lose momentum and be at a disadvantage in LDS.
I awoke, asked what I was seeing, and was told:
YouTube has an extreme leftist ideology if your opinion differs from them with comments they will block you most of the stuff on their app is garbage anyway