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--Agreed Upon Solutions
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Employees working in restaurants and grocery stores should be able to take home food that would otherwise be thrown away.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
The Apple app store should at least let you *search* for free apps with no in-app purchases or subscriptions.
Art does not need to be good to be worth making
Abortion rights
Abortion should always be legal in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Department Of Companies Not Lying To You
Saying a product is on sale for X% off should mean that it is genuinely X% off the regular price: No fake comparisons with MSRP prices the product was never sold for.
Mental health services need to be improved, both in the services they can offer and their response time. Especially the response time.
Lawn care
I want to be able to cut my lawn without a motor (because gasoline and lithium batteries both have their problems). I’m thinking of getting a scythe. I think it'd be cool to be that guy with the scythe. Dope idea?
Financial Regulation
Members of Congress should not be allowed to own stocks in the industries they regulate.
Fixing Corruption
The Supreme Court is corrupt and something should be done to fix that.
Checks on the Supreme Court
There needs to be a voting-based check on the power of the Supreme Court. They’re currently totally unaccountable dictators, and all branches of our government need to be under the ultimate control of the voters. We can't pass a constitutional amendment every single time they rule something insane.
We need more places to spend time besides work and home, especially ones that don't need you to buy anything.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
One day till my cat gets to take off her e-collar!
We should bring back universal free lunch in schools.
Marijuana legalization
Marijuana should be legal.
It should be illegal for my smart TV to immediately start playing a full screen ad as soon as I turn it on.
Donald Trump is the oldest person to run for president and is way too old to hold office.
Google Search should be required to penalize websites for being stuffed full of advertisements. The internet has become almost unusable.
Self-harm should also be a topic on this site, as it occurs in different ways than suicide, and is more common than actual suicide. It’s also often an indicator of suicidal thoughts or behavior.
Gun control
People convicted of violent crimes should not be allowed to own guns.
Gay rights.
I want to live in a world where suffering is minimized. Politics should be about making people's lives better, not about making sure corporations are making enough money.
The internet should have way more regulations over advertising.
--HMS Game Center
gut feeling
Billionaires should not be protected from their own hubris.
Whenever I drive around I see so many little pieces of plastic on the side of the road, and its such a shame! The plants and things there could be so pretty if they were growing in a nicer space.
There should be a universal basic income (UBI) where all citizens should be given enough money to raise them above the poverty line each month, enough to pay bills and eat. They can spend it on whatever they wish. You can also supplement it by working at a job.
Climate change strategy
Atmospheric geoengineering, creating artificial clouds or otherwise altering the properties of the sky and air, is a technology that comes with a lot of risks and whose use should be avoided. But, we should still research it anyway, because if we wind up needing it, it could be an emergency.
Won a free bag of cat food today
We are winning at cat food
Cities should get a share of revenue from stadiums that receive public funding
Unions are awesome 😎.
Minimum wage
Minimum wage needs to be increased.
The church of Scientology should be taxed like a business -R.S.
Birds are chill.
You should have to pass the citizenship test to be eligible to run for or hold office.
Garbage men and janitors are heroes.
My family and friends are very important to me
I wish there were more drinks available with no sugar, or with a little bit of sugar and no other sweeteners. I just want something less sweet!
We need a Speaker of the House. Congress needs to be sequestered under the dome. No cell phones, no media contact., till they do their job. If it's done to elect the pope, it should be done for this and also for getting a budget passed. This is a disgrace.
Video should never autoplay when browsing - Youtube should not start channel promo videos, Netflix should not try to play a trailer on every menu, etc.
The DHS should be obligated to keep enough staff to actually offer in person appointments. It's the department of human services not the department of phone tree services holy fuck
Big burgers should be wide not tall.
I like this website -R.S.
Maybe killing or torturing people is bad regardless of who it is? No more 'but they deserved it!', that just draws a line. What happens when that line moves until you're back to killing civilians you see as soldiers and nothing else?
Why is this allowed?
For profit prisons are horrifying dystopian abominations and should be abolished.
Applying for low income heating assistance requires an in person appointment, a social security *card* (not just number), a mortgage agreement, and bank statements from everyone in the house. Who the fuck decided that? This should be trivial to get!
Lester Holt covering the presidential election. They mention concerns about Biden's age. Why not mention there are concerns about trump's mental health, general health, wanting to get rid of the constitution, the insurrection?
Can we make misleading advertising and companies blocking information contradicting what they do, entirely illegal?
Die Hard is a Christmas movie.
Advertisements aimed at children should be illegal.
If you can't own it, then it's not stealing when you pirate it.
Screw Capitalism
Capitalism is the bane of our existence.
Members of Congress, RNC, and DNC should not be immune to charges of bribery. They need to be investigated.
Private equity companies should be banned.
Most politicians shouldn’t be trusted to look out for our best interests
This US constitution might need serious rewriting
Message To The Other People At The Hospital
Friends, you do not go to the hospital unless you are prepared for it to suck. You are either already screwed coming in, or you will be waiting for hours. This is how emergency rooms work.
What do y'all think of oceans as a general concept?
Geopolitics opinion
If Hamas agrees to release their hostages, then there should be an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Palestine while further negotiations are conducted.
Aid to Israel should be conditional
When a corporation makes a tax write off of a movie or tv show, it should be counted as selling it to the government.
The Catholic Church should pay taxes like a business -R.S.
Bathrooms should not be divided into male and female, they should be divided into urinals and not-urinals.
Tech proposal
Apple should bring back the headphone jack.
The entire healthcare industry, hospitals, pharma, insurance, ... should be required to be a nonprofit.
Protect democracy
The people involved with project 2025 are terrorists.
Electronic billboards are incredibly wasteful. They take up an enormous screen's worth of electricity 24/7, and all they do is show ads. You don't need electricity to do that!
It should be illegal for surgery to take more than four months to schedule.
Literal Interpretation
All ads should go away.
It should be a fire able offense for a government worker to support, defend, or carry out an illegal executive order.
Do you like burger?
Enshitification should be illegal.
Eclipse Judgement
Humanity: Yes or No?
The number of hoops to jump through to get any unemployment or disability money to "Prove you're disabled enough" or whatever the fuck should be gotten rid of. If I'm disabled how the absolute FUCK am I supposed to drive to multiple offices for this shit?
homestuck is good. if you disagree thats ok.
Look at me I'm orange
don't dead open inside
Every healthcare/medical company should be required to be a non-profit.
The colors on some of these comments are killing my eyes. Can we get some non eyestrain-y colors?
Solid Mode
I am sick to death of everything digital being slippery, bouncy, and springy! I want at least the *option* of using solid software!
guys cmon
What if we agreed that the actions of written or drawn characters are not endorsed by the creators. That's like blaming Disney for the actions of all of their villains or badly written characters. We could just stop calling things disgusting or depraved as long as nobody is hurt?
Synthwave should be brought back. It was pretty dope.
i love you
Petition to light Elon Musk's pants on fire.
Penal reform
The death penalty should be abolished.
Henry Kissinger is dead, and that's amazing.
Mental health should be tested in order to run for President. A narcissist should not be allowed to be president.
The pitch clock is making baseball games more interesting.
Social networking
Tiktok should not be banned.
Silly question
I haven't played with Silly String in so long like come on, I WANT TO PLAY WITH SOME D*** SILLY STRING!!!!!!! >:(
--HMS Game Center
Purple you must
how come no one uses purple use more purple
--HMS Game Center
Political Question
Foundering fathers who owned slaves were bad people
There should be a LGBTQ holiday available for those of us who can't participate in the summer months, I'm just saying like something in January or Something. LGBTQ Make January Tolerable Day?
arson :3
This election is about the Constitution. (period)
I believe the shooter wanted to take the ultimate bully out. I say this because, a young man who went to school with him, stated that the shooter was bullied relentlessly through his life. I believe he saw Donald Trump as the ultimate bully and decided to take out the bully. Think about it.
Staff note
To solid mode users (toggle in account settings) - It is *stupidly* hard to make a mobile website not jump and slide around like it's on ice physics. Every mobile browser in existence fights against you, every single one has web standards they just ignore. Give feedback; We *will* make this work.