broadly defined as violence committed with the use of a gun
--Agreed Upon Solutions
The Tyranny of the Majority View finds minority voices in our responses and displays them as clusters. Size of each point relative to the number of votes. Colors based on agreement rate and number of pass votes.
Owning a gun should require regular checks to confirm you are not a threat to yourself or others
Against total gun control
America, I think, has decided that they love guns. That leads to shootings, and that's tragic, but I don't think that Americans as a whole want to reject guns from their lives.
We should copy the rest of the world for gun restrictions. They don't have mass shootings, why can't we.
Dangerous things
I like that we have laws affirming a right to own dangerous objects. I wish that were a more widespread standard - It's a kind of right to privacy. I don't want the government knowing enough about what I own to interfere.
Maximum ownership
I think the maximum number of guns it is reasonable to own is 1x handgun and 1x rifle. Beyond that is excessive.