constitutional amendment
formal change to the text of the written constitution of a nation or state
--Agreed Upon Solutions
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Abolish the electoral college
The president and vice-president should be elected by popular vote. The electoral college system does not work.
No more gerrymandering
Congressional districts shall be drawn by independent, non-partisan state commissions. Districts must minimize distance within and avoid irregular shapes, forming convex shapes where practicable, ensuring any line segment within the district remains inside the district.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
Presidential popular vote
The President and Vice President shall be elected by a vote of the citizens of the United States. Each voter shall cast a single ballot for their chosen President and Vice President. The President and Vice President with the most ballots shall be elected.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
Voter initiative to create laws
Congress shall authorize a method for citizens to submit voter initiatives. After sufficient signatures from twothirds of the states the initiative will be added to the ballot on the next federal election. If the initiative receives approval from twothirds of the votes it shall become law.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
No member of Congress, their immediate family members, close associates, or business partners shall buy, sell, or trade stocks, bonds, real estate, derivatives, or any other financial instruments or business interests while holding office or within 5 years of the end of their latest term.
No President, Vice President, Member of Congress, Judge, or Officer of the United States shall, through the exercise of their official powers or responsibilities, willfully cause harm to American citizens.
Supreme court decisions
Supreme court decisions should be put on the ballot for voter approval. There needs to be some democratic check on the power of the supreme court: Right now the opinions of nine people are considered law equal to the constitution.
A Supreme Court justice should be appointed for a period of no longer than ten years. When their term ends, or they otherwise leave their seat, they should be ineligible to serve on any federal court for a minimum of twenty years.
Proposed Amendment
If Congress passes a Constitutional Amendment, all States of the Union will convene a special session of their Legislature within the next 120 days and vote on the Amendment, passing with a two-thirds majority.
Voter veto of supreme court decisions
Congress shall authorize a method for citizens to veto supreme court decisions. If during a federal election within 5 years of the supreme court deciding a case twothirds of the voters veto the decision, it shall be considered null and void as if the supreme court never heard the case.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
The Department of The Twothirds
The Department of The Twothirds is hereby established to identify policy areas with supermajority agreement (twothirds) in the public. It shall have the authority to propose laws and regulations based on this consensus for swift legislative action.
--Agreed Upon Solutions
Vote to remove members of Congress
Upon receiving sufficient signatures for the removal of a member of Congress in twothirds of states, a vote in all states shall be held in at most one month to remove the member of Congress. If twothirds of the votes are for removal then the member of Congress shall be removed from their seat.
--Agreed Upon Solutions