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Total Things: 157700
Total Votes: 42368
Average votes per thing: 00.27
climate change
change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns for an extended period, not necessarily current or recent
--Agreed Upon Solutions
information privacy
topic regarding the appropriate collection, use and dissemination of personal data in products and services, as well as their protection and related legal and political issues
--Agreed Upon Solutions
social determinants of health
economic and social conditions that influence individual and group differences in health status
--Agreed Upon Solutions
right to an adequate standard of living
human right
--Agreed Upon Solutions
right-wing authoritarianism
personality trait of submission to authority, conventionalism, and hostility towards non-conformists
--Agreed Upon Solutions
intentional ending of a pregnancy
--Agreed Upon Solutions
extreme violence
historical and anthropological concept
--Agreed Upon Solutions
fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or other areas
--Agreed Upon Solutions
international politics
study of politics, economics and law on a global level
--Agreed Upon Solutions
circumstance when people desire a permanent dwelling but do not have one
--Agreed Upon Solutions
rise in price level in an economy over time
--Agreed Upon Solutions
runaway greenhouse effect
climatic effect causing a planet's atmosphere to trap heat and prevent cooling
--Agreed Upon Solutions
student loan cancellation
relief of student loan debt
--Agreed Upon Solutions
digital piracy
illegal reproduction and sharing of information on the Internet
--Agreed Upon Solutions
poultry farming
industrial and non-industrial keeping of poultry
--Agreed Upon Solutions
use of violence as a form of political, economic and religious coercion
--Agreed Upon Solutions
religious persecution
systematic mistreatment of an individual or group of individuals as a response to their religious beliefs or affiliations or lack thereof
--Agreed Upon Solutions
term limit
legal restriction that limits the number of terms an officeholder may serve in a particular elected office
--Agreed Upon Solutions
racial discrimination
discrimination against individuals on the basis of their skin color, or racial or ethnic origin
--Agreed Upon Solutions
labour movement
movement for maintaining or improving the conditions of employment
--Agreed Upon Solutions
wage labor
relationship where a worker sells labour to an employer
--Agreed Upon Solutions
post-consumer waste
trash or garbage discarded by the end-consumers of products
--Agreed Upon Solutions
government formation
process of negotiating an agreement that will get majority support in parliament and results in the appointment of the cabinet of ministers
--Agreed Upon Solutions
climate movement
social movement for climate action
--Agreed Upon Solutions
freedom of expression
collectively the freedoms of speech, religion and the press; right to assembly
--Agreed Upon Solutions
bio-energy with carbon capture and storage
removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by growing plants, and then putting it permanently underground
--Agreed Upon Solutions
echo chamber
media phenomenon when beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system
--Agreed Upon Solutions
institutionalized adolescent
adolescent who is receiving long-term in-patient services or who resides in an institutional setting
--Agreed Upon Solutions
trade in women
transport of and trade in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation
--Agreed Upon Solutions
rape by deception
criime in which perpetrator obtains the victim's agreement to have sex by deception
--Agreed Upon Solutions
waste management
generation, prevention, characterization, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and residual disposition of solid wastes
--Agreed Upon Solutions
food legislation
set of laws and regulations about food
--Agreed Upon Solutions
movement of people into another country or region to which they are not native
--Agreed Upon Solutions
child labour law
--Agreed Upon Solutions
waste management industry
industry; all industrial branches concerned with waste management, waste dumping, waste recycling and - to a lesser degree - waste prevention
--Agreed Upon Solutions
prejudicial treatment based on membership of a certain group
--Agreed Upon Solutions
right to a fair trial
civil and human right
--Agreed Upon Solutions
civil rights
fundamental rights
--Agreed Upon Solutions
employment discrimination
discrimination that occurs in the workplace or during the hiring process
--Agreed Upon Solutions
energy conservation technology
energy use reducing hard- or software
--Agreed Upon Solutions
emergency shelter
place of temporary refuge and support for anyone escaping violent or abusive situations no matter their gender
--Agreed Upon Solutions
left communism
political ideology
--Agreed Upon Solutions
urban socioeconomic process
--Agreed Upon Solutions
transgender activism
movement to promote transgender rights and to eliminate discrimination and violence against transgender people
--Agreed Upon Solutions
indigenous rights
legal, social, or ethical principles that pertain to indigenous peoples
--Agreed Upon Solutions
anti-abortion movement
movement that believes abortion should be illegal
--Agreed Upon Solutions
electoral law
laws governing elections
--Agreed Upon Solutions
data law
legal regulations around the collection, handling and distribution of factual information
--Agreed Upon Solutions
right to vote
--Agreed Upon Solutions
natural rights
rights not contingent upon the laws and therefore universal and inalienable
--Agreed Upon Solutions
political polarization
divergence of political attitudes to ideological extremes
--Agreed Upon Solutions
constitutional amendment
formal change to the text of the written constitution of a nation or state
--Agreed Upon Solutions
trade unionism
Part of the workers movement to protect and gain rights through collective organisation
--Agreed Upon Solutions
abolition of slavery
process of outlawing slavery
--Agreed Upon Solutions
progressive tax
tax where the tax rate increases as the taxable base amount increases
--Agreed Upon Solutions
corrective justice
concept of justice as a remedial principle
--Agreed Upon Solutions
hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews
--Agreed Upon Solutions
race or ethnic-based discrimination
--Agreed Upon Solutions
minority rights
rights of members of minority groups
--Agreed Upon Solutions
age of criminal responsibility
age below which a child is deemed incapable of having committed a criminal offence
--Agreed Upon Solutions
environmental impact of shipping
ocean pollution
--Agreed Upon Solutions
collective identity
shared sense of belonging to a group
--Agreed Upon Solutions
child welfare
organized efforts by communities or organizations to improve the health and well-being of the child
--Agreed Upon Solutions
suicidal ideation
Thoughts, ideas, or ruminations about the possibility of ending one's life
--Agreed Upon Solutions
universal suffrage
political concept, the right to vote for all adult citizens
--Agreed Upon Solutions
glass ceiling
metaphor used to represent an invisible barrier that keeps a given group from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy
--Agreed Upon Solutions
vaccine hesitancy
reluctance or refusal to be vaccinated or to have one's children vaccinated against contagious diseases despite the availability of immunization service
--Agreed Upon Solutions
community policing
strategy of policing centered on building close ties with communities
--Agreed Upon Solutions
nutritional science
science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism
--Agreed Upon Solutions
government debt
debt owed by any level of government
--Agreed Upon Solutions
peace process
ensemble of negotiations, agreements and actions to resolve an armed conflict
--Agreed Upon Solutions
high-speed rail
significantly faster advanced rail transport & tech-enhanced infrastructure systems
--Agreed Upon Solutions
majority voting system
decision rule that selects alternatives which have a majority
--Agreed Upon Solutions
right to keep and bear arms
right guaranteed in certain jurisdictions
--Agreed Upon Solutions
nuclear safety and security
definitions by the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding operating conditions and defense from malicious acts, respectively
--Agreed Upon Solutions
gun violence
broadly defined as violence committed with the use of a gun
--Agreed Upon Solutions
pandemic preparedness
readiness in face of a real or potential pandemic
--Agreed Upon Solutions
housing policy
government actions in housing and living conditions, and is usually seen as a part of welfare policy
--Agreed Upon Solutions
economic crisis
sharp deterioration in economic situation and perspectives
--Agreed Upon Solutions
organised community living under a system of government; either a sovereign state, constituent state, or federated state
--Agreed Upon Solutions
people without work and actively seeking work
--Agreed Upon Solutions
child abuse
maltreatment or neglect of a child
--Agreed Upon Solutions
political activist
activist wanting political change
--Agreed Upon Solutions
adherence to the strict letter of the law, albeit in disregard of the spirit and even in defiance of it
--Agreed Upon Solutions
civilian control of the military
principle that civilian political leadership exercises ultimate authority over decisions of military strategy
--Agreed Upon Solutions
social assistance
economic assistance to individuals and families whose income and assets do not cover their essential daily expenses
--Agreed Upon Solutions
human dignity
right of a person to be valued and respected for their own sake, and to be treated ethically
--Agreed Upon Solutions
negative attitudes and discrimination toward homosexuality and LGBT people
--Agreed Upon Solutions
bicycle poverty reduction
concept that access to bicycles and the transportation infrastructure to support them can reduce poverty
--Agreed Upon Solutions
early childhood
stage in human development
--Agreed Upon Solutions
police abolition movement
political movement which advocates replacing police forces with other systems of public safety
--Agreed Upon Solutions
opioid-related disorders
disorders related to or resulting from abuse or misuse of opioids
--Agreed Upon Solutions
health care evaluation mechanisms
methods and techniques used in evaluating the quality of health care, its planning and delivery
--Agreed Upon Solutions
direct action
action taken by a group intended to reveal an existing problem, highlight an alternative, or demonstrate a possible solution to a social issue
--Agreed Upon Solutions
agent, device, method, or procedure which diminishes the likelihood of or prevents conception
--Agreed Upon Solutions
use of force continuum
guidelines for police conduct
--Agreed Upon Solutions
health services accessibility
ease of individual access to care and services from the health care system
--Agreed Upon Solutions
mass-casualty incident
incident which results in medical care systems becoming overwhelmed
--Agreed Upon Solutions
access to justice
providing legal services to populations that may otherwise have difficulty obtaining legal advice and representation
--Agreed Upon Solutions
institution of force
a government agency authorized to use force (e.g. police, army, intelligence agency)
--Agreed Upon Solutions
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